这是跟着《最想吃的街坊美食》pg80的食谱,还想再抽空试试另一个食谱,再决定大量生产!!呵呵呵~~ 这南洋的华人过年啊~~ 大人小孩都蛮喜爱的小蛋糕~~ 莎莎一边烘烤,两只蕃薯就一直向莎莎要吃那刚出炉的小蛋糕。。。
莎莎也要参与由Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover所举办的Chinese New Year Delights 2013 新春送礼!
材料 Ingredients:
蛋 4颗、幼糖 150g、低粉 150g、发粉 1tsp。
Eggs 4, caster sugar 150g, flour 150g, baking powder 1tsp.
做法 Methods:
1. 鸡蛋加入幼糖拌打至松发。
Beat eggs and caster sugar until fluffy.
2. 慢慢加入筛入粉类拌匀即可。
Slowly add in flour and powder, mix well.
3. 预热模型,抹上少许溶化牛油。倒入面糊,放入已预热烤箱210度C,15分钟或至金黄色。
Heat up bahulu mould and grease with little melted butter. Spoon egg mixture into the greased mould and bake in preheated oven at 210C for 15 minutes or until golden brown.
4. 用竹签挑出小蛋糕即可。
Take out the kuih bahulu with a bamboo skewer. Serve.